project infinity se
project infinity se is a sustainable investment experiment based on ethical standards, trust and reliability
We want to make the world a better place for our descendants and subsequently support the projects in which we strongly believe. Our firm conviction is that conducting business successfully is possible while being kind and treating everybody well.
We (Katharina and Christoph) founded project infinity se in 2014 with a focus on investing in great entrepreneurs. We believe in great teams and partnering with smart people. Katharina is the CEO of project infinity se and is responsible for all investment decisions and operational issues. Additionally, Katharina was the CEO of StyleAddicted AG, a social commerce platform, and now focuses on supporting and promoting portfolio companies. Katharina is also the Chairwoman of the Board of the travel alliance ag, focusing on implementing a buy-and-build strategy to consolidate the luxury travel market. Christoph, a co-founder of project infinity se, has no operational role. He is the CEO of the prosperity company ag, a Liechtenstein-based holding company focusing on pension planning products. Previously, Christoph was the CEO of a German bank and the founder of several startups and incubators.

the prosperity company ag
prosperity emerged in 2016 as digital finance group from the core business of Liechtenstein Life Assurance AG, a forward-thinking life insurance company. With innovative ideas and solutions, the prosperity group aims at developing an integrated digital ecosystem for yield oriented private pension, wealth and heritage planning.In addition to Liechtenstein Life, its affiliate prosperity solutions AG, an innovative insurtech hub for the acquisition and management of clients and sales partners, completes the group’s value chain. As the holding company, the prosperity company ensures efficient administration and strategic management of its subsidiaries.
quantumrock is an AssetTech company differentiating through a patent-pending Artificial Intelligence Platform tapping unique alpha sources to create the highest quality, institutional-grade investment solutions in equities, volatility, fixed income, hard assets, factor investing and roboadvisory
the silent group ag
In 2020 a group of investors founded the the travel project ag to consolidate the luxury travel industry. Next to the consolidation goal, the initiators also focus on digitalization and growing purchasing power to big suppliers in the travel industry. In 2024, the company has been renamed to the silent group ag to emphasize the focus on luxury travel.
alpinisti capital ag
alpinisti capital ag is the private equity entity of project infinity and is enabling proper financing to the investments.
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